The Public Investment Fund’s portfolio leads the economic transformation in Saudi Arabia.

Our Investments

PIF endeavors to be a leading global investor with a commitment to sustainable investments that are shaping the future global economy while driving Saudi Arabia’s economic transformation. 

Our Portfolio

PIF is developing a portfolio of high-quality domestic, regional and international investments diversified across sectors, geographies, and asset classes. Joining forces with top-tier global strategic partners and renowned investment managers, PIF acts as Saudi Arabia's main investment arm to deliver a strategy focused on achieving attractive financial returns and long-term value for the country.

Our portfolio

Local Portfolio

Locally, PIF drives strategic and sustainable diversification in line with Vision 2030 objectives and is supporting key sectors through investment opportunities, unlocking growth potential in the private sector. PIF remains committed to holding a substantial and diversified portfolio of investments in the Kingdom, including listed and privately held companies.

Local portfolio

International Investment

Internationally, PIF invests in a diversified portfolio across a range of asset classes. PIF has already invested in some of the world's most innovative companies, forming partnerships that will ensure Saudi Arabia is at the forefront of emerging trends while supporting the Kingdom's Vision 2030 blueprint. This Investment Pools page has been developed as a testimony to PIF's transparency and details how it operates.

International investment

Sources of Funding

PIF is required to invest and reinvest available funds in order to achieve its objectives for the benefit of the public welfare, support economic development, and diversify sources of income for Saudi Arabia. Hence, when considering dividends declaration, the Board of Directors shall consider PIF’s mission, vision, and long-term sustainability, in accordance with the Dividends Distribution Policy.

PIF operational spending is set out annually through its annual budget and approved in line with the internal Delegation of Authority. PIF, as an independent entity, generally does not have any visibility on matters relating to the spending requirements of the Government.

PIF funding sources are represented through four main sources.
  1. Capital Injections from the Government

  2. Government Assets Transferred to PIF

  3. Loans and Debt Instruments

  4. Retained Earnings from Investments

Strategic Sectors We Are Investing In

PIF has worked to incentivize Saudi Arabia's private sector by investing in new and promising sectors that can create job opportunities, develop capabilities, and allow the local economy to compete regional and internationally. The Fund is still active in managing its companies by defining and developing the strategies and initiatives in a number of sectors.

Our Governance and Investment Decisions

PIF has created a governance and operating model that reflects its mandate and objectives, and builds on global best practices. The operating model ensures transparency, efficient decision-making, and the ability to evolve.

Our Governance and Investment

Investment Pools

The Public Investment Fund developed six investment portfolios, four of which are local, and two global, after a review of the assets under its management. These investment pools illustrate PIF's diversified investment strategy and commitment to managing high-quality investments domestically and internationally.

Investment pools