Investment Pools
PIF conducted a review of the investment pools’ current situation, which included reviewing its priorities in the context of the new program, the inputs from asset managers and investment advisors, and set out to classify the pools based on respective guidelines. After reviewing PIF’s Assets under management, PIF developed six investment pools, four of which are local and two are international, which are as follows:

Saudi Equity Holdings
Assets in this pool include listed and unlisted companies mainly in Saudi Arabia and across different sectors. As the most comprehensive pool under PIF, Saudi Equity Holdings Pool will help PIF achieve its goals by seeking to maximize the value of its portfolio companies, generate long-term sustainable returns, promoting the standards of governance, capital management and profit distribution policies, as well as following up on the implementation of opportunities plans available to the sectors.

International Diversified Pool
IDP will provide a diversified asset base and source of wealth accumulation and income by investing in liquid and illiquid international assets. Its investment decisions and focus will be driven by commercial investment returns over the long-term, through fixed-income investments, public and private equities, real estate, infrastructure, and alternative investments.

International Strategic Investments
PIF strives to solidify Saudi Arabia's position on the global scene as an impetus for the advancement of ventures for things to come. Therefore, this pool comprises a combination of long-term investments, which aim at establishing strategic partnerships through direct and indirect investments. This contributes to expanding the Kingdom's global reach and impact, with a focus on industries of the future.

Saudi Giga-projects
Assets in this pool include projects that are large-scale and form complex ecosystems, that significantly transform the Saudi economy. These investments, classified by the Board as “Giga-projects”, are multifaceted, globally unique in scope and ambition, and designed to stimulate overall growth and add significant value to the economy and its sectors.

Saudi Real Estate & Infrastructure Development
Assets in this pool include real estate and infrastructure development projects in Saudi Arabia. These projects cater to latent demand from the Saudi population for leisure, retail and entertainment, help promote Saudi Arabia as a tourism destination, improve access to modern urban living, upgrade critical infrastructure to support economic development, and indirectly help unlock related sectors in the country. Moreover, PIF will also capitalize on these investments to bring the best-in-class development expertise and to attract capital from local and foreign investors.

Saudi Sector Development
PIF serves as a catalyst to unlock new growth potentials for the private sector by uncovering new sectors to drive job creation and capability development. PIF seeks to unlock the potential of critical new sectors, when commercially viable, to support the diversification and development of the economy, and attract investments.